Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to find Index List in a Sybase database?

Index List - Yes you heard it right, we want to find the index list to find all the indexes in a database. But how to do that? Someone might say that we can query the sysindexes table and we will be able to get the complete list using a simple query -

select si.* from sysobjects so, sysindexes si where so.id = si.id

Well, yes that's right but in this case we will also get table names along with the index names in case we have non-clustered indexes on the table as Sybase makes table names entry in the sysindexes table. So, how about just getting the index names? Well to do that we need to modify the above query slightly and we will be able to get the index list in the database. The modified query is -

  sysobjects so, sysindexes si
  so.id = si.id and
  si.indid > 0

Wondering why we modified the original query like this?

To answer this lets check the above query again. In the above query we are trying to select only those entries from sysindexes table whose indid i.e. the index id is greater than 0 and for information purpose - Sybase ASE makes a table entry with indid as 0 (Table Scan) in the sysindexes table with clustered index acquiring the position 1 and the rest are the non-clustered indexes. So with this information in mind we can now re-validate that the above query returns only the index list in a Sybase database and that was what was required by us.

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